hosted by Henri Najjar, our exclusive member for France
NetManager Consulting took great pleasure in inviting the Members to join at the third Ship Arrest Members Meeting in Marseille (France). Henri Najjar, has very successfully chaired the Meeting of this year. The event privileged the seminar day on worldwide issues and latest developments inside the shipping world, but also included a welcoming reception and an activity day consisting of a Wine Tour Rally in Provence. This has offered once again unparalleled opportunities for the Members to network with their fellow professionals and also with a good number of industry guests from the maritime and transport community. Here are the issues highlighted by our selected speakers (all lectures included industry panel discussions):
- Jurisdiction of the Admiralty Court in Israel, by Merav Nur (Israel)
- New Spanish legal framework for maritime liens by Felipe Arizon (Spain)
- Arbitration agreements in maritime transactions: incorporation by reference under Turkish law, by Zeynep Ozkan (Turkey)
- Fraud in bills of lading. Consequences for the beneficiary under a letter of credit, by Peter van der Velden (Netherlands)
- Ship arrest in Cameroon, by Henry Baaboh Feh (Cameroon)
- Arrest in Denmark: Pros and Cons, by Henrik Kleis (Denmark)
- The laws governing maritime transport in Brazil, by Claudia Perri (Brazil)
- The lifting of arrest of foreign ships in Italy, by Alberto Batini (Italy)
- English Arrest law – recent developments, by Linda Jacques (UK)
- Liability for Oil Pollution under French law, by Henri Najjar (France)
- Russian Developments in Russian Maritime law, by Ekaterina Galasheva (Russia)
Building on the enormous success of the conference, a new seminar is already scheduled to take place next year; suggestions as to Istanbul or Riga have taken place. In due course details will be circulated among the members and industry players.