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Algeria – Ship Arrests in Practice, 11th edition

Algeria – Ship Arrests in Practice, 11th edition

Download here the chapter on Algeria from the latest edition of our Ship Arrests in Practice publication. The law is stated as at January 15th 2018.

The Arrest News – Issue 20

The Arrest News – Issue 20

In this issue of The Arrest News, Shiparrested.com members from around the globe discuss various topics from remarkable judgments, new legislation, to a story of stranded crew members in Scotland. Read issue 20 in full here: The Arrest News 20

The Arrest News – Issue 19

The Arrest News – Issue 19

In this issue of The Arrest News, Shiparrested.com members address various matters including a decision upholding the NY Convention in Dubai, the advantages of arresting ‘other forms of property’ than a ship in Indian Courts, and Ship Arrest Procedures in Egypt. Read Issue 19 in full here: TheArrestNews19

Improving Ship Arrest Procedure in Ukraine

Improving Ship Arrest Procedure in Ukraine By: Evgeniy Sukachev Email: e.sukachev@blacksealawcompany.com Senior Partner in Black Sea Law Company & Irina Dolya  Associate in Black Sea Law Company Ukraine is a modern European country situated on the Black Sea shore. There are 12 trade sea and river ports and a great number of private terminals in Ukraine. Several […]

The Arrest News – Issue 18

The Arrest News – Issue 18

In this issue of The Arrest News, Tariq Idais and Sakher Alaqaileh of Al Tamimi & Co. review a landmark Federal Supreme Court’s judgement regarding ship arrests by virtue of the UAE Law; Evgeniy Sukachev and Irina Dolya share recent developments and anticipated improvements in Proceeding Law of Ukraine; and a summary of the 14th […]

Port State Control in Ukraine: Obstacles and Changes

Port State Control in Ukraine: Obstacles and Changes By: Evgeniy Sukachev Email: e.sukachev@blacksealawcompany.com Senior Partner in Black Sea Law Company & Irina Dolya  Associate in Black Sea Law Company Every shipper coming to Ukrainian ports faces the bureaucratic and unfair system of the Ukrainian Port State Control. Maritime Ecological Inspections such as Ecological Inspection of North-West Black […]

The Arrest News – Issue 17

The Arrest News – Issue 17

In this issue of The Arrest News, several scenarios of ship arrests in different jurisdictions are commented on by the editors. In The STX Mumbai, the Singapore Court of Appeal considered a ship arrest situation where the maturity date of a supply claim was brought forward by the supplier when the debtor became insolvent. In […]

The Arrest News – Issue 16

The Arrest News – Issue 16

In this issue of The Arrest News, contributors address • Arrests in Bulgarian Waters and Mortgagee’s Claims  by Nikolay Radev, Kinkin & Partners Law Firm • Arrest Damages: The Merits of the Merits by Felipe Arizon, Arizon Abogados Read the articles here in The Arrest News – Issue 16.

Commercial Court Practice upon Ship Arrest in Ukraine

Commercial Court Practice upon Ship Arrest in Ukraine By Arthur Nitsevych Email: nitsevych@interlegal.com.ua Partner, Attorney at Interlegal Law firm, LMAA and SCMAA member, FNI & Alyona Ptashenchuk Email: ptashenchuk@interlegal.com.ua Lawyer at Interlegal Law firm, ICS Member, LL.M. IMO IMLI Having studied the Ukrainian court practice regarding ship arrest, we have detected issues of correction and legal gaps […]