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Angola – Ship Arrests in Practice, 14th edition

Angola – Ship Arrests in Practice, 14th edition

Download here the Angola chapter from the latest edition of our Ship Arrests in Practice publication. The law is stated as  of 1st of January 2024.

The Arrest News – Issue 27

The Arrest News – Issue 27

In this issue of The Arrest News, we examine the IMO2020 regulations enforcement from a U.S. perspective; the Indian Admiralty Act of 2017 and its most noteworthy features; and the Evangelismos test in wrongful arrest cases.  Read issue 27 in full here: The Arrest News 27  

Injunction Over the Right of Disposal of Ships

By Mykola Kozachenko & Aleksey Remeslo Interlegal www.interlegal.com.ua Odessa, Ukraine Tel: 0038 (0487) 52-89-31 Injunctions Over the Right of Disposal of Ships Maritime business has always been subject to high-potential risks and losses deriving from various reasons, beginning with the natural perils of the sea to the human factor, which includes the non-commercial approach of some […]

The Arrest News – Issue 26

The Arrest News – Issue 26

In this issue of The Arrest News, members examine the Indian Admiralty Act of 2017 and its varied interpretations; compliance issues faced by the maritime industry; and the imminent impact of the IMO 2020 sulphur cap regulations.   Read issue 26 in full here: THE ARREST NEWS 26

The Arrest News – Issue 25

The Arrest News – Issue 25

In this issue of The Arrest News, members from the UK and Netherlands team up to compare civil and common law approaches to a charterer looking for release, the Israeli Supreme Court fortifies the Hague Visby time bar, and we explore the Dutch perspective on piercing and lifting the corporate veil.   Read issue 25 in […]

The Arrest News – Issue 24

The Arrest News – Issue 24

In this issue of The Arrest News, read about a surprising decision from Malta’s Superior Court, advice on how to mitigate risks of a LOI nightmare, and piercing and lifting the corporate veil in Spanish Courts.   Read issue 24 in full here: The Arrest News 24

The Arrest News – Issue 23

The Arrest News – Issue 23

In this issue of The Arrest News, read a wide variety of topics from members of the Shiparrested.com network around the world including a broker’s role in ship arrest, IMO 2020 regulations, recent developments regarding arrests and injunctions in Panama and much more. Read issue 23 in full here: The Arrest News 23

The Ship Arrest Concept

By Margareth Galho Escritório de Advogados www.margarethgalho.com info@margarethgalho.com The Ship Arrest Concept According to the provisions of the International Convention on the Arrest of Sea-Going Ships, signed at Brussels 10 May 1952, capture means the detention of a ship by judicial process to secure a maritime claim, but does not include the seizure of a […]

The Arrest News – Issue 22

The Arrest News – Issue 22

In this issue of The Arrest News read about two decisions in US Court of Appeals of the Second and Eleventh circuits, amendments to the Russian Merchant Shipping Code, and how to arrest a vessel in Saudi Arabia. Read issue 22 in full here: The Arrest News 22