Cameroon – Ship Arrests in Practice, 14th edition
Download here the Cameroon chapter from the latest edition of our Ship Arrests in Practice publication. The law is stated as at January 1st 2024.
Ship arrest as a conservatory measure in Cameroon by Feh Henry Baaboh
By Feh Henry Baaboh Henry, Samuelson & Co. McMiriam Tower (top floor), 76 Rue Bruix, Derriere College de la Salle, Akwa P.O. Box 15805 AkwaDouala-Cameroon Email: Web: Tel: (237) 3343-87-63 Fax: (237) 3343-87-91 Cell phone number: (237) 99 93 34 47 SHIP ARREST IN CAMEROON 1) Governing Law: The law governing ship arrest […]
Ship arrest as an executory measure in Cameroon, by Feh Henry Baaboh
Henry, Samuelson & Co. McMiriam Tower (top floor), 76 Rue Bruix, Derriere College de la Salle, Akwa P.O. Box 15805 AkwaDouala-Cameroon Email: Web: Tel: (237) 3343-87-63 Fax: (237) 3343-87-91 Cell phone number: (237) 99 93 34 47 Applicable law(s): The law governing ship arrest as an executory measure in Cameroon is the CEMAC Merchant Shipping Community code […]