Diseño web y programación en Málaga - Agostudio

A ship Arrest in Russia, by Igor Nikolaev, IN Law Office

A ship Arrest in Russia, by Igor Nikolaev, IN Law Office

IN Law Office P.O. 10 St. Petersburg 194214, Russia Telephone / Facsimile: +7 (812) 320 12 18 Email: igor@inlaw.ru Web: www.inlaw.ru A ship arrest in Russia became a real possibility when the new Merchant Shipping Code of the Russian Federation came into force on 1 May 1999. Only a few months before in January 1999, Russia acceded […]

Ship arrest in Lithuania by Vytas Ramanauskas, Ramanauskas ir Partneriai Law Firm

  Ramanauskas ir Partneriai Law Firm S.Daukanto 9, LT-92235, Klaipeda, Lithuania Tel. +370 46 303430 Fax. +370 46 312393 email: v.ramanauskas@rplaw.lt web: www.rplaw.lt 1. Please give an overview of ship arrest practice in your country. The International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to the Arrest of Seagoing Ships, Brussels, 1952 (1952 Arrest […]

Maritime liens and arrest of vessels, By Einar Baldvin Axelsson, Logos Legal Services

  Maritime liens and arrest of vessels under Icelandic law, by Einar Baldvin Axelsson LOGOS Legal Services logos@logos.is www.logos.is Efstaleiti 5 IS-103 Reykjavik Iceland Tel: +354 540 0300 Fax: +354 540 0301 ATTACHEMENT OF ASSETS The general nature of an attachment is that assets of the debtor, e.g. real estate or other property or rights […]

Arrest of vessels in Denmark, by Henrik Kleis, Delacour

  hfr@delacour.dk www.delacour.dk Aaboulevarden 13 DK-8000 Arhus C Ph: +45 7011 1122 Fx: +457011 1133 1. Please give an overview of ship arrest practice in your country. Arrest of vessels in Denmark can be made very fast and on an informal basis, i.e. without POA, original invoices and notarized and authenticated documents. The rules are quite […]