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The Arrest News – Issue 40

The Arrest News – Issue 40

The Arrest News – Issue 40

In this issue of The Arrest News: • Ship Arrest Trends in The United States by Gary Seitz, GSBB Law (USA) • Shipbuilding Contracts: Practical Issues and Considerations by Rafizah Gafoor, Joseph Tan Jude Benny LLP (Singapore) • Vessel Damaged in Marina…Can I Sue? by Kenra Parriswhittaker, Parriswhittaker (Bahamas) • Blockade of the Ukrainian Seaports: Problems […]

Frequently Asked Questions on Ship Arrest in Panama

By Jorge A. Quijano, LL.M. (Cardiff)Managing PartnerJ. QUIJANO ABOGADOSjorge@jquijano.comwww.jquijano.com 1. How fast can a ship within Panama’s territorial waters or transiting through the Panama Canal be arrested?   The arrest of the ship can be arranged within the same day. The Maritime Courts of Panama are available 24/7 to arrest the vessel once located at any […]

2023 Annual Members’ Conference

2023 Annual Members’ Conference

Oslo, Norway along with ShipArrested.com’s Norwegian members, Kvale, Økland, Raeder, Selmer, and Simonsen Vogt Wiig have been elected to host the 2023 Annual Members’ Conference that is set to take place this 14-16 September. We eagerly look forward to gathering everyone together at the Grand Hotel Oslo for a weekend of  networking and informative discussion on relevant matters of the maritime […]

The Arrest News – Issue 39

The Arrest News – Issue 39

In this issue of The Arrest News: • Ship Arrest For Claim Against Personal Debtor Other Than Registered Ship Owner by Petar Djurovic, Abaco Ltd and Filip Milosevic, Law Office Milosevic (Montenegro) • Force Majeure: ‘best endeavors’ does not require non-contractual performance by Kenra Parriswhittaker, Parriswhittaker (Bahamas) • ESG and Shipping: Navigating towards a sustainable […]

Judgment Summary of the Tarik III

By Dave DickinsonDJ Dickinson & Associates (South Aftrica)dickyd(at)yebo.co.za TARIK III In the recent judgment of the Tarik III, the South African Supreme Court of Appeal recognised the deeming provisions of Section 1(3) of the Admiralty Jurisdiction Regulation Act 105 of 1983 which reads:“for the purposes of an action, in rem, a charterer by demise shall […]

Commentary on Judgment of Court of Appeal in Gdansk, Poland

Bartosz BiechowskiRadca prawny / Attorney-at-lawMaritime and Commercial Law OfficeGdynia, Polandwww.biechowski.com Form of the arbitration clause and authorisation to conclude an arbitration clause under Polish law  Commentary on the judgment of the Court of Appeal in Gdansk, Poland in the case I AGa 196/19 of June 16, 2020 The details of the case were as follows: […]

The Arrest News – Issue 38

The Arrest News – Issue 38

In this issue of The Arrest News: • The Brave New World of Autonomous Shipping by K. Murali Pany, Joseph Tan Jude Benny LLP (Singapore)• ParrisWhittaker Plays Key Role in Billion Dollar Crystal Cruises Litigation by Kenra Parriswhittaker,Parriswhittaker (Bahamas)• The Saga of “Grumant” by Christopher Cappelen, Oslo Ship Service (Norway)• 17TH ANNUAL MEMBERS’ CONFERENCE TO […]

The Arrest News – Issue 37

The Arrest News – Issue 37

In this issue of The Arrest News: • The Commercial Court of Montenegro Grants Ship Arrest for Non-monetary Claims by Petar Djurovic, Abaco Ltd. and Filip Milosevic, Law Office Milosevic• Can a Defective Passage Plan Affect Seaworthiness? by Kenra Parriswhittaker, Parriswhittaker (Bahamas)• Celebrating 40 years of Panama’s Maritime Jurisdiciton by Joaquín de Obarrio, Patton, Moreno […]

The Arrest News – Issue 36

The Arrest News – Issue 36

In this issue of The Arrest News: The Right to Re-Arrest by Harald Søndergard, Hafnia Law Firm (Denmark) Maritime Disputes and the Avenues for Resolution by John Sze, JTJB Lawyers (Singapore) Marine Insurer Refuses to Pay Yacht Repair Bill – and It Proves Costly by Kenra Parriswhittaker, (Bahamas) Panama Updates 2022 by Joaquín de Obarrio, […]