S. Friedman & Co., Advocates

One Matam Towers, P.O. Box 15065 Haifa 31905 Israel Tel: +972 4 8546701 Fax: +972 4 8546688 A.O.H.: Amir Cohen-Dor, Adv +972 52 6903690 Email: amirc@friedman.co.il Web: www.friedman.co.il Contact 1: Amir Cohen-Dor, Adv. (Partner) Contact 2: Gabi Disegni, Adv. (Associate) Maritime Law, P&I claims, ship arrest, cargo claims and general litigation before the Admiralty Court.]]> […]
Harris & Co. Maritime Law Office

2 Palmer’s Gate/36 Hanamal Street P.O. Box 33199 31331 Haifa Israel Tel: 972-4-862 7067 Fax: 972-4-862 5257 Web: www.lawships.com Contact 1: John Harris (jharris@netvision.net.il) Contact 2: Yoav Harris (yoavh@maritime-law.co.il) What the Legal500 says: At John Harris & Co Legal Office, the ‘response time is excellent as is the quality of the advice’ for all shipping law […]