De Man Pillet Barristers and Solicitors

2020 University Street, Suite 2040. Montreal, Quebec H3A 2A5 Canada Tel: +15149852262 Fax: +15148440371 A.O.H.: +15147043970 Email: Web: Contact 1: Marc de Man Contact 2: Vanessa Major Contact 3: Isabelle Pillet Maritime Law, including Ship Arrests, Arbitration, International Commercial Transactions. All ports in Canada are covered.]]> canada law-firms north-america
Alexander Holburn Beaudin & Lang LLP

2700 – 700 West Georgia Street V7Y 1B8, British Columbia Vancouver, Canada Tel: (604) 484-1754 Fax: (604) 484-9754 Email:jkostyniuk@AHBL.CA Web: Contact Person: Jason Kostyniuk Ports the firm operates in: Victoria, New Westminster, Vancouver, Prince Rupert]]> canada law-firms north-america
Oland Baxter

Tel: 604-683-9621 Fax: 604-669-4556 Email: Web: Contact 1: A. Barry Oland Contact 2: Leona Baxter Other Offices: Peterborough, Ontario, Canada Ports the firm operates in: Corner Brook, Hamilton, Toronto, Montreal, Sorel, Quebec, Kitimat, Trois Rivieres/Three Rivers, Halifax, Sydney, St. John’s, Victoria, New Westminster, Vancouver, Prince Rupert ]]> canada law-firms north-america