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Ship Arrest in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Ship Arrest in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

By Ahmed Hashem & Ahmed Al Basrawi Al Tamimi & Co. (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) www.tamimi.com a.hashem(at)tamimi.com Ship Arrest in KSA Introduction As Saudi Arabia is an Islamic state, its judicial system is based on Islamic law (Shari’ah) for criminal, civil and commercial matters. Although Islamic laws encompasses all aspects of life, some have opined that the judicial and legal systems […]

Associate vessel arrest decision under Chilean courts: M/V Robin 4, January 14, 2022

By Rafael Durán Sanheuza  Durán & Cía Abogados (Chile) www.duranycia.cl rduran(at)duranycia.cl Associate vessel arrest decision under Chilean courts: M/V Robin 4, January 14, 2022 Chile is an excellent jurisdiction for vessel arrests and a recent decision issued by an Antofagasta Court demonstrates some of the reasons for this affirmation. On 29 March 2021, a fire was reported […]

The Arrest News – Issue 35

The Arrest News – Issue 35

In this issue of The Arrest News: • Demurrage: Were We Right All Along? by Craig Dunford, QC (Northern Ireland) • Ship Arrest in Ireland – Time Charterer’s Debts by Hugh Kennedy, Kennedys (Ireland) • Nederland Shipping Corporation v. United States of America by George Chalos, Chalos & Co. (USA) • Maximising Sale Value by […]

The Arrest News – Issue 34

The Arrest News – Issue 34

In this issue of The Arrest News: The Ever Given Saga – Law and Liability by Hany Mamoon & Karim Marouny & Omar Omar, Al Tamimi & Co. (Egypt) What Constitutes Sherrif’s Ship Maintenance Expenses? by Ashwin Shanker, Chambers of George Rebello (India) The “Bill of Lading” Seen in the Singapore Bunker Industry is NOT […]

Ship Arrest in Egypt: Important Documents to Prepare Before the Arrest Procedures

By Essam Mustafa Essam Mustafa Law Office www.law-egypt.com Port Said, Egypt E-mail: info@law-egypt.com Tel: +201006863733   Ship Arrest in Egypt: Important Documents to Prepare Before the Arrest Procedures According to the Egyptian Maritime Trade Law, to obtain a ship arrest order, several legal procedures must be fulfilled. Some of these procedures have to be fulfilled […]

Ship Arrest and Maritime Claims in Turkish Legislation

By Efe Ülken Ülken Law Firm www.ulken.av.tr Antalya, Turkey efe(at)ulken.av.tr Tel: +90 242 241 97 00 Ship Arrest and Maritime Claims in Turkish Legislation INTRODUCTION The route passing through the Dardanelles (Çanakkale Strait), Bosphorus (Istanbul Strait) and the Sea of Marmara and the connecting the Black Sea to the Aegean and the Mediterranean Seas, is […]

Ship Arrest in Ukraine: Relevant Procedure in Brief for Practical Usage

By Andrii Mashchenko  MBLS Law Firm https://mbls.com.ua/ Mariupol, Ukraine a.mashchenko(at)mbls.com.ua Tel: +38 (066) 265 0645 Ship arrest in Ukraine: Relevant Procedure in Brief for Practical Usage Ship arrest in Ukraine is applicable with relevant court ruling issued by the commercial or district (rayon) court. An interested party (a creditor) has a right to file a plea on […]

Ship arrest in Norway – How to manage and limit the effects of an insolvent owner and the opening of insolvency proceedings

By Hege Størdal Nilsen Advokatfirmaet Simonsen Vogt Wiig www.svw.no Bergen, Norway hsn(at)svw.no Tel: +47 555 68 200 Ship arrest in Norway How to manage and limit the effects of an insolvent owner and the opening of insolvency proceedings Under Norwegian law, arresting a ship to enforce payment of claims is rather easy and may be […]

The Arrest News – Issue 32

The Arrest News – Issue 32

In this issue of The Arrest News: • Potential Liability of MV EVER GIVEN for Damages Arising Out of the Suez Blockage Under Panamanian Law, Law of the Flag by Francisco Carreira Pitti, Carreira-Pitti P.C. Attorneys (Panama) • Guidance from the Singapore High Court on the Interaction Between Insolvency and Admiralty Law and Resolution of […]

UK Supreme Court Decides Its First Ever Nautical Collision Case

By Craig Dunford QC Bar Library Belfast 19 February 2021 UK SUPREME COURT DECIDES ITS FIRST EVER NAUTICAL COLLISION CASE In the first nautical collision case to come before it, the UK Supreme Court, in a judgement handed down on 19 February 2021, has allowed an appeal on (to use the words in the opening […]